Sabtu, 04 Juni 2016

Companies processing CPO in Indonesia part 2 ( PTPN 5 )

About PT Perkebunan Nusantara V (Persero)

Office PT PN V
Jl. Rambutan No. 43 Pekanbaru - Riau 28 294
Tel. (62-761) 66 565, Fax. (62-761) 66 558
Representative Office PT PN V
Jl. Cempaka Putih, Central XXX No. 73 Jakarta Pusat - 10510
Tel. (62-21) 4244291, Fax: (62-21) 4245034

PT Perkebunan Nusantara V (Persero), hereinafter referred to as "Company", was originally a Owned Enterprises State established by the Indonesian Government Regulation (PP) No. 10 of 1996 dated 14 February 1996 Depositing Capital of the Republic of Indonesia for the incorporation of the Company. At first it is a consolidation project-former plantation project PT Perkebunan (PTP) II, PTP PTP IV and V in the province of Riau.

The Articles of Association notarized by Harun Kamil SH., Notary in Jakarta with Deed No. 38 dated March 11, 1996 and has been approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia No. C2-8333.HT.01.01TH.96 dated August 8, 1996 and was published in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 80 dated October 4, 1996 and Supplement of the Republic Indonesia No.8565/1996.

The Articles of Association have been amended several times. The last change in line with the publication of Regulation Government 72 of 2014 regarding the Increase Investment of the Republic of Indonesia in the Capital Stock Company (Persero) PT Perkebunan Nusantara III that diverts 90% of the shares of the state-owned PTPN V belongs to PTPNIII.
 Changes in share structure is changing the status of the Company to a subsidiary of state-owned enterprises SOEs Plantation Holdingwith PTPN III as Champion.

The changes outlined above with Act No. 26 dated October 23, 2014, made before Fauz Nanda Iwan, SH.M.Kn. Notary in South Jakarta. And was approved by the RI Menkumham through Letter No. AHU10531.40.20.2014 dated November 4, 2014.

Company per December 2014 have a garden of palm kernel with a total acreage of crops covering an area of ??78340.09 hectares with TM composition area of ??57419.60 hectares, an area of ??17540.09 ha TBM, TB / TU / TK covering 2736, covering an area of ??127.40 ha area nurseries and areal non-productive area of ??517 ha. The company also has a rubber core with a total plantation area of ??8184 ha with composition TM area of ? 5.215 ha, TBM area of ? 2.898 ha, TB / TU / TK area of ? 68 ha and the seed of 3 ha.

To process the palm oil commodity, the Company has 12 units of palm oil mill (PKS) with a total processing capacity installed a total of 570 tonnes of FFB per hour in the form of processed palm oil and palm kernel. Then to cultivate. Further commodity palm kernel, the Company has one unit Palm Kernel Oil Plant with an installed capacity of 400 tons palm kernel / day with processed results in the form of Palm Kernel Oil (PKO) and Palm Kernel Meal (PKM).

Management of the plant area is entering a transition from the first crop cycle (Gen-1) to the second crop cycle (Gen-2). The first cycle began in the era of the 1980s through the development projects of the former plantation PT Perkebunan (PTP) II, IV and V in the province of Riau. The transition from Gen 1 to the Gen-2 has been started since 2003 marked denganreplanting areas of plant aging / elderly who have decreased the economic value of production. phase transition Gen 1 to Gen-2 is expected to be completed in 2017. At that time, the whole plant is a plant company Gen-2 is expected to be more productive than the Gen-1, as a result of continued innovation in the field of plant cultivation.

Vision and mission
"Being Integrated Sustainable Agribusiness Company and
Environmental "

"Management of Agro industrial oil palm and rubber efficiently together
partners for the benefit of stakeholders "

"The application of the principles of Good Corporate Governance, oil criteria
sustainable palm oil, the implementation of industry standards and environmental protection
to produce a product that can be accepted by the customer "

"The creation of a competitive advantage in the field of human resources through management
human resources based on best practices and systems
Current human resources management in order to enhance the company's core competencies "

"Every human being PN V PT (Persero) believe that hard work, smart work,
sincere work will be meaningful for the company, partners, communities, and the environment, to achieve superior performance "
"Journey to Excellence" (towards excellence)
Values ?of the Company
(S I P)

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